with Minimum Essential Coverage

Download and Install

Click on the button below to download Minimum Essential Coverage.

Please download and review the installation instructions as you install the program.

Download the 64-bit version only if your Microsoft Office is 64-bit; otherwise, please
download the 32-bit version. How do I know what version of Office I have?

Minimum Essential Coverage 64-bit

Minimum Essential Coverage 32-bit


How do I download the application?

Go to the Download and Installation section of this page. Click on the button to download the correct bit version for your system. Use the Installation Instructions to guide you through the install process.

What bit version should I download?

You should download the bit version that matches your Microsoft Office bit version. To determine your Office bit version:

  1. Open any Office application (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc).
  2. Click File, then Account.
  3. Click About [Application] (e.g., About Word if Word is opened) and the bit version will be listed the top of the panel that appears.

Where do I get my security credentials? What do I do with the file Claros sends me?

Security credentials will be sent via email along with a security file for your application(s). Please follow the Installation Instructions on how to load this file.

How do I get my login information?

Your User ID and Password are included in the README.txt that was emailed to you.

My archive isn’t working. How can I enable this feature?

The Archive feature requires MS Office 2016 or later, or Microsoft Access 2016 Runtime. Make sure you select the bit version that corresponds to your MS Office product. Please read all instructions before downloading Microsoft Access 2016 Runtime.

I have an issue specific to one of my groups. What should I do?

Contact Technical Support to resolve any issues specific to your groups.